Free 5 Day Challenge

Journal & Quiet time

This is a free 5 Day Challenge on how to hear Jesus speak to you through quiet time and journaling. The 5 Day Challenge takes place inside the Alive Tribe Facebook Group, a community of women that long to hear Jesus speak specifically to them and to learn how to record these promises in a journal.

May 25, 2020
1:00pm Atlantic Time

Secure your spot.

As your girl, and over 18 years hearing Jesus speak, I gave you my word to share more on how to hear Jesus speak specifically to you. Jesus gave me the creative idea to come alongside you even more then in a podcast. But to do this with you in 5 days together in our own Facebook Community! Join now to secure your spot. The dates of the 5 Day Challenge will be announced via email and inside the Facebook Group shortly.

Isaiah 42:9b

β€œβ€¦New things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.”


We can discover these new things as we learn to hear Him speak. And as we record it in our journals, we get to be amazed seeing Him fulfill what He’s promised!

Be prepared to walk into a fuller richer life as quiet-time and journaling will change your life!

See you inside the Challenge!



Miriam Groff

Hi There!
I’m Miriam Groff and the Founder of The She is Alive Tribe & your Host on The She is Alive Podcast.
I help mama’s stop giving up on their God-given dreams by bringing them Kingdom solutions & strategies how to push through the hard stuff and how to set backdrops and rhythms that fuel them to show up for their best life ever.

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